“Should you be thinking of enrolling… do it today and change your life forever.”

“Should you be thinking of enrolling… do it today and change your life forever.”

Featured News

March 2019 Butler School

I recently completed a five-day course with Gary Williams at the British Butler Institute in London and felt the need to share my experience with you.

Having moved into the world of Private Households from a Close Protection background, I was daunted by the term ‘Butler’ and wondered if I had made the correct career move. I needn’t have worried.

“I was daunted by the term ‘Butler’ and wondered if I had made the correct career move. I needn’t have worried.”

Within the first hour, Gary mentioned he would supply the necessary skills in order for us to, “change our lives forever.”

There are no short cuts, it is ultimately down to the individual to make the required changes, but true to his word those skills and Gary’s extensive, unrivalled knowledge was shared among us, and I can confirm that at least one life has indeed been changed.

The course is in-depth, and requires concentration, commitment and engagement, but there is no better teacher than Gary. His methods are inspiring, he is quick to offer encouragement and his constant positivity is infectious.

Should you be thinking of enrolling with the British Butler Institute, my advice would be to do it today – and change your life forever.

Name omitted for privacy

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